Cycling for preschoolers

In partnership with the BC Cycling Coalition, we are proud and excited to bring Kids on Wheels to South Vancouver Island. Kids on Wheels is an innovative program designed to introduce young children to the joys of cycling through the use balance bikes and fun, hands-on activities.

Why balance bikes?

Balance bikes are no-pedal bicycles, which are an important “first step” to cycling. Balance bikes help children develop physical literacy, improve their self esteem and build awareness skills.

By using balance bikes kids discover balance and steering in their own time and comfort zone. The experience gained through balance bikes leads to an easy transition to a pedal bike, often without the need for training wheels. Balance bikes have been found to lead to an earlier age for independent cycling.

What happens during a program?

During a program, children participate in facilitated activities that take place both on and off the balance bike. The combination of these activities develops a deeper knowledge of cycling culture, which leads to more motivation to engage in active transportation.

Who is this for?

This program is for all early learning settings, including but not limited to daycares, preschools and StrongStarts. If you are interested in a balance bike program for your child outside of these settings, check out our Cycling Camp options.

We come to your setting!

In order to make this program accessible to all daycares, preschools and early learning centres in the South Vancouver Island region, we come to you!

Our team brings 16 strider bikes and helmets, ramps, signs, books, mini-bikes, pumps, tubes, tools and much more to your setting to be able to run the program. All you need is a flat, open space and some children!

We are able to accommodate groups of any size, and adapt all our activities for each child to have success no matter what their previous experience on a balance bike.

How much does this cost?

There is a cost to the program, but we try to keep it as low as possible for you! We can discuss that with you once you have submitted your interest using the form below.

Our interest as a charitable, not-for-profit organisation is to get as many kids cycling as possible! If you know of a business or local philanthropist that may be able to help us do that, please donate!

We had such a great time...

We had such a great time with the Kids on Wheels team: pumping up tires; putting bikes together; practicing balance, steering and collision avoidance on the balance bikes; riding up and down ramps; fun story times and more! I highly recommend this program to childcare centres. You and your children are in good hands with the Kids on Wheels team.

- Rhonda Sylven, Lambrick Park Preschool & Childcare

Are you interested?

Please fill out the details below to let us know your interest and we will be in touch soon to discuss things further!

The name of the early years setting:
The name of the person to contact regarding the program:
The email of the person to contact regarding the program:
Approximately the number of children that would be on the bikes.:
Let us know any more information that would help us set up the program in your space. This can include the location of your setting, if you have an adequate space to host the program and the ages of the participating children. The more information the better!